
Every group will have a unique, customized POCUS@home schedule. Below, a typical schedule is given as an example

So as not to interfere with your group's busy work schedule, didactics are typically delivered in a virtual, after hours session elected by the group. Three to four hours will be scheduled in one or two sessions. Lectures will be recorded for those learners who can not attend "live". These sessions must occur before the instructors' visit to your site, but do not need to be adjacent to the visit.

Hands-On Practice
In an ideal circumstance, the instructor(s) and live model(s) will spend the day(s) in your OR suite or conference room. It is recommended that your OR scheduling be considered so that 3 learners can be "broken-out" from OR duties for 2 hour time slots - we know that this can be difficult for any group, but is a minimal inconvenience when compared to the same clinicians traveling to a national course!

Alternatively,  weekend courses can also be scheduled with small groups of learners arriving for hands on practice at designated intervals.